4.2. Logistics and supplies
The mobilization of personnel and equipment needed for the work as well as the evacuation of the injured, the relocation of populations affected by the disaster, and a plethora of other urgent needs require a logistical system if they are to be carried out efficiently. Therefore, it is important to designate a logistics team to support the NHRT. The logistics team will be responsible for identifying, preparing, and planning for the areas that require support, identifying the resources that will be drawn on, and the methods and procedures that will be used to mobilize and manage the resources.
4.2.1. Mobilizing resources (human, financial, material)
When the magnitude of the emergency or the health sector needs that have been identified require additional support from other parts of the country, personnel and resources should be mobilized through the NHRT. This will facilitate the coordination of activities and help centralize and facilitate logistical support operations.
The NHRT will be mobilized with a variety of types of equipment, materials, and supplies:
- The items needed for their specific specialized tasks.
- Kits of personal items for the sake of the comfort and protection of the team’s members.
- The support items needed to enhance the efficiency of the mission’s operations, such as telecommunications equipment, laptops, GPS, still and video cameras, generators, etc.
The items needed to equip the health response teams will be specified by the professional in charge of each technical area. The content, type, and characteristics of the equipment depend on variables that differ from country to country. However, the annex on p. 32 of the PAHO/WHO Emergency Response Teams – Field Manual provide model contents that can be adapted to the needs and characteristics of a particular situation.
The procedures of the logistics team for the activation, work in the field, and demobilization of the NHRT should, as a minimum, include the following:
a. At the time of activation
On being advised that deployment of the NHRT is imminent, the logistician should:
- Prepare the first-responder equipment, materials, and supplies that the group will carry with it.
- Make administrative arrangements to coordinate transportation, per diems, etc. needed by the team members, as well as petty cash for the mission.
- Prepare maps and other information resources from the affected area.
- Activate his/her network of acquaintances and review his/her directory of suppliers in the affected area.
- Confirm that safety and security conditions do not prevent getting to the emergency area or circulating once there.
- Coordinate lodging and food for the group in the context of the situation prevailing in the emergency zone.
- Organize the transportation needed to move the group and its materials and equipment.
b. During the mission
- Coordinate the acquisition of the equipment, materials, and supplies needed by the team, including parts and replacements for of equipment being used (batteries, telephone cards, filters, bulbs, fuel, etc.).
- Support the members of the NHRT in solving logistical issues. This includes providing advice on the use of support equipment (such as radios, generators, and computers).
- Keep support in place for transportation, lodging, food, and other needs that the NHRT will face given the situation on the ground.
- Monitor the safety situation and keep the members of the NHRT informed of any precautionary measures they should take.
- Handle minor expenditures and manage the team’s petty cash, employing the controls needed for accountability.
- Coordinate the receipt of equipment, materials and supplies that are sent to the locality, as well as the forwarding of these inputs to the team’s different work areas. This will be done in combination with the LSS/SUMA teams if there are any.
- Keep in close and constant contact with the NHRT coordinator, and keep him or her apprised of activities as they unfold.
- Keep in contact with the ministry of health people who are responsible for administration and logistics in the area where the team is working.
c. At the end of the mission
- Coordinate the transportation and other elements needed for the team’s departure.
- Coordinate collection of the equipment, materials, and supplies that must be returned, and once back at headquarters, coordinate the preparation of these items for the next mission.
- Make payments that are due and document those that remain pending, in order to follow up and pay them.