2. Functions of the health sector
The health sector is defined as the set of values, standards, institutions, and actors that produce, distribute, and consume goods and services whose principal or exclusive objectives are to safeguard the health of individuals or populations.
The activities of these institutions and actors are designed to prevent and control disease, care for the ill, and conduct health research and training.
2.1. Planning
Along with other sectors, the health sector must have a disaster risk reduction policy with specific short-, medium- and long-term objectives and strategies to achieve the objectives efficiently and effectively, with an overall description of program activities that will be carried out. The essential public health functions (EPHF) are the fundamental set of actions that should be performed in order to achieve public health’s central objective: improving the health of populations.
The Pan American Health Organization defined the eleven Essential Public Health Functions necessary to strengthen public health practice, and developed a methodology that allows countries to evaluate their public health capacity.
2.2. Organization
Once disaster risk reduction is formally included in the national health sector plan, a system must be set up to establish clear links between the functions, roles, and responsibilities of all health sector institutions and levels, including each division and department in the ministry of health.
This structure of relationships should group roles and responsibilities to determine the organizational model that would work best to meet and fulfill these challenges, both within the ministry and in coordination with other institutions in and beyond the sector.
To clarify the organization and functions of the system, it would be helpful to develop an organizational chart with all relevant organizations and the minimal technical competencies required of the individuals assuming the various responsibilities.