
3.6. Information management

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manejo de informacionDisasters require rapid response to save lives and mitigate the impact on communities. This is particularly critical in the health sector. Effective and timely response depends on the availability of information—from the site of the disaster through to the most senior decision-making level. The information should flow through the different levels in an orderly and consistent manner.



3.7. Health in temporary shelters and camps

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The displacement of large numbers of people to temporary shelters or camps as a result of a disaster or social violence creates a risk factor for health. Overcrowding, lack of basic services, and exposure to environmental changes can encourage emergence of disease, especially if shelter or camp operations are not well organized or continue over a long period of time. We have learned the importance of incorporating beneficiaries in the process of organizing shelters and camps. The provision of community-based services in these situations is very important.



3.8. Mass casualty management

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manejo victimas en masaSaving lives and providing early care to disaster victims is the highest priority in response operations. However, as with other activities, this requires prior planning. In the preparedness phase, national authorities and health disaster institutions responsible for disaster management at various levels should take the necessary actions so that when disasters strike, the country and community will be as self-sufficient whenever possible. This will also involve training at the community level.